End of the first work period
Hi all,
this is the end of this first period of GSoC! It was a challenging but very interesting period and I am very excited about the next two months. It is the first time where I have the opportunity to make something that has a real value, albeit small, on someone else's work. Even when I have to do small tasks, like structure the package or learn Tensorflow APIs, I do it with enthusiasm because I have very clear in mind the ultimate goal and the value that my efforts would bring. It may seem trivial, but for a student this is not the daily bread :) I really have fun coding for this project and I hope this will last until the end!
Speaking about the project, I've spent some time wondering which was the best solution to test the correct installation of the Tensorflow Python APIs on the machine. The last solution was putting the test in a function __nnet_init__ and calling it in the PKG_ADD (code in inst/__nnet_init__ in my repo [1]).
Regarding the code, in this last days I tried to connect the dots, calling a Tensorflow network from Octave in a "Matlab compatible" way. In particular, I use the classes that I made two weeks ago in order to implement a basic version of trainNetwork, that is the core function of this package. As I explained in my post of June 12, trainNetwork takes as input the data and two objects: the layers and the options. I had some some difficulty during the implementation of the Layer class due to the inheritance and the overloading. Eventually, I decided to store the layers in a cell array as attribute of the Layer class. Overloading the subsref, I let the user call a specific layer with the '()' access, like a classic array. With this kind of overloading I managed to solve the main problem of this structure, that is the possibility to get a property of a layer doing for example layers(1).Name
classdef Layer < handle
properties (Access = private)
layers = {};
methods (Hidden, Access = {?Layers})
function this = Layer (varargin)
nargin = numel(varargin);
this.layers = cell(1, nargin);
for i = 1:nargin
this.layers{i} = varargin{i};
methods (Hidden)
function obj = subsref(this, idx)
switch idx(1).type
case '()'
idx(1).type = '{}';
obj = builtin('subsref',this.layers,idx);
case '{}'
error('{} indexing not supported');
case '.'
obj = builtin('subsref',this,idx);
function obj = numel(this)
obj = builtin('numel',this.layers);
function obj = size(this)
obj = builtin('size',this.layers);
1. Loading the datasets
this is the end of this first period of GSoC! It was a challenging but very interesting period and I am very excited about the next two months. It is the first time where I have the opportunity to make something that has a real value, albeit small, on someone else's work. Even when I have to do small tasks, like structure the package or learn Tensorflow APIs, I do it with enthusiasm because I have very clear in mind the ultimate goal and the value that my efforts would bring. It may seem trivial, but for a student this is not the daily bread :) I really have fun coding for this project and I hope this will last until the end!
Speaking about the project, I've spent some time wondering which was the best solution to test the correct installation of the Tensorflow Python APIs on the machine. The last solution was putting the test in a function __nnet_init__ and calling it in the PKG_ADD (code in inst/__nnet_init__ in my repo [1]).
Regarding the code, in this last days I tried to connect the dots, calling a Tensorflow network from Octave in a "Matlab compatible" way. In particular, I use the classes that I made two weeks ago in order to implement a basic version of trainNetwork, that is the core function of this package. As I explained in my post of June 12, trainNetwork takes as input the data and two objects: the layers and the options. I had some some difficulty during the implementation of the Layer class due to the inheritance and the overloading. Eventually, I decided to store the layers in a cell array as attribute of the Layer class. Overloading the subsref, I let the user call a specific layer with the '()' access, like a classic array. With this kind of overloading I managed to solve the main problem of this structure, that is the possibility to get a property of a layer doing for example layers(1).Name
classdef Layer < handle
properties (Access = private)
layers = {};
methods (Hidden, Access = {?Layers})
function this = Layer (varargin)
nargin = numel(varargin);
this.layers = cell(1, nargin);
for i = 1:nargin
this.layers{i} = varargin{i};
methods (Hidden)
function obj = subsref(this, idx)
switch idx(1).type
case '()'
idx(1).type = '{}';
obj = builtin('subsref',this.layers,idx);
case '{}'
error('{} indexing not supported');
case '.'
obj = builtin('subsref',this,idx);
function obj = numel(this)
obj = builtin('numel',this.layers);
function obj = size(this)
obj = builtin('size',this.layers);
Therefore, I implemented the same example of my last post in a proper way. In tests/script you can find the function cnn_linear_model which consists simply in:
2. Defining layers and options
layers = [ ...
imageInputLayer([28 28 1])
options = trainingOptions('sgdm', 'MaxEpochs', 1);
3. Training
net = trainNetwork(trainImages, trainAngles, layers, options);
4. Prediction
acc = net.predict(testImages, testAngles)
layers = [ ...
imageInputLayer([28 28 1])
options = trainingOptions('sgdm', 'MaxEpochs', 1);
3. Training
net = trainNetwork(trainImages, trainAngles, layers, options);
4. Prediction
acc = net.predict(testImages, testAngles)
TrainNetwork is a draft and I have not yet implemented the classe seriesNetwork, but I think it's a good start :) In next weeks I will focus on the Tensorflow backend of the above mentioned functions, with the goal of having a working version at the end of the second period!
[1] https://bitbucket.org/cittiberto/octave-nnet/src
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